D'Mercy Kidz - Sponsored By Dynamic Paintball


Sponsored By Dynamic Paintball

Founder of Dynamic Paintball also as Managing Director is Hj Amin Bin Othman. He himself get the idea of opening a new paintball market in Johor Bahru started from during his year organizing teambuilding courses at Gunung Ledang.

He sees this game as a corporate war game, during at that time paintball is starting its new stepping stone at Kuala Lumpur and rising rapidly. Dynamic Paintball started to operate its first field at The Zone, Stulang Laut year 2004. Then they change to a different places to expand the growth of paintball in Johor Bahru such as Danga Bay (2005-2006), Penjara Johor Bahru (2006),kota tinggi(2006-present),Kulim Plantation Ulu Tiram(2009-present). Dynamic Paintball began to spread their empire starting from the early 2009 at Danga City Mall and have their own Proshop together with their first Johor indoor field.

Along with their ambition, Minister of Tourism Malaysia is always on their side in giving them a hand of promoting the paintball to the public. Between those years(2004-2009),Dynamic Paintball have also organizing various event such as1st MPOC in Johor, Johor Scenario Big Game, Kulim CQB Big Game and many other. D’Mercy Kids are the first ever team to receive sponsorship from this company. Contribute to this, Dynamic Paintball will continue its ambitious  in order to promote paintball game to the world.

We hope that in the near future, Team D'Mercy Kidz will be successfull in the paintball arena.

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